I've talked about these guys before. And they are sneaky sneaky grabbing more and more of my attention. They're pretty legit. It's just good rock and roll. Unless, you know, you hate fun. Give these few tunes a listen. "Come Back Home" almost has that bigger than life rock ballad feel. It picks up more towards the end. I just wish the rest of the song was more like the last 34 seconds. Meanwhile, "I Can Talk" is just a fun banger from the start. Then there's "Something Good Can Work", which is pretty cheesy, but I happen to like as well. But I would never admit it. Just jump up and down.
These guys are out of Brooklyn. And they've got a pretty sweet sound. Surfing influenced with hints of The Cure and Joy Division. I don't think they surf in Brooklyn, but I guess you could in Far Rockaway. Anyways, check em out, they're good for the summer.
This is a top down, summer afternoon cruiser. Preferably on a coastline. Actually it needs to be listened to on a coastline. So if you are landlocked, do yourself a favor and don't even listen to this. Just not fair to you. Not fair to anybody. But if you're near the water. Listen to this song as close to the water as you can be. Enjoy. Sexy.
Got a couple Lupe tracks for you this afternoon. Lupe's pretty solid. So is Ratatat. With their wailing guitars and epic swings. Just a solid marriage here. And the second track is a rework of Lupe's track "Fighters" remixed by Mr. Scribbles. Scribbles was the name of my first dog. Rest in Peace Scribbs. One love.
So my boy Grum from across the pond is really turning my world upside down right now. He is just pumping out bangers. I can't believe I had not heard of this kid before recently. He's got the synth down to a science and its just solid. Clearly I've got some sort of 80's synth itch to scratch right now and my boy Grum is scratching it. Anyways, here he takes Owl City's "Umbrella Beach" and flips it on it's head. Can't say enough about this kid other than you should probably buy his full length album "Heartbeats"which just came out. Could be the next Daft Punk. As long as he's part robot.
These guys are not new to this blog. But this version of this song is. I feel like I'm floating as I'm typing this. I should have probably saved this post for Friday afternoon, but I think now is just as good a time as any. Just float on and enjoy. I'm not witty today.
Two Door Cinema Club - Undercover Martyn (Softwar Remix)
Hoodie Allen is a New York based hip hop duo made up of Steve Witz and Obey City, two white boys from Long Island. They are releasing a mini-mixtape called The Diamond Cuts which features samples from Marina & The Diamond’s 2009 Release, The Family Jewels. Steve Witz's flow is pretty solid for a white boy and his wordplay is witty, which i can respect and Obey City serves up some solid backing beats for you to nod your head to. Anyways, its a pretty solid effort. Check it out.
Hoodie Allen - You Are Not A Robot (Feat. Marina & The Diamonds)
In another throwback to the 80's tip. I present to you B-Xentric. Heavy snyths, epic builds, and a smooth finish. If I were to produce a film set in 1987 Miami Beach, this would be the theme. As I'm writing this, I'm thinking that's not a half bad idea. Might have to bring back Axel Foley, Tubbs & Crocket. Anyways, put on your teal tee shirt, roll up the sleeves on your white linen jacket, and hop on your cigarette boat and turn this to 11.
Nobody rocks like robots. That's what I always say. So, from the moment I heard the first synth kick on this track, I knew I'd be rocking like a robot. I have to be honest, I had never really heard much about Grum until about 20 minutes ago, but I like it. Grum is a Scottish electro producer and has banging out remixes for some high profile artists for the past few years. But, now he's got his first full length album and from what I've heard so far I like it. I hear some Justice in there, and I can catch a taste of some Daft Punk in there too, and i like that. You should like it too, if you like to rock like a robot that is.
I'm late on this, but I haven't looked at a TV or computer since Friday, turns out I didn't have wifi access on the yacht this weekend. Anyways, Kid Cudi is a funny dude. He's got a pretty dope style too. At first glance, I thought this one was a no brainer, I love Cudi, and it's apparent I've got some love for lcd soundsystem as well. So, Cudi took what I think is the best track off the new lcd soundsystem album and puts his own spin on it. Christian Bale's terminator freak out at the beginning may seem a bit cheesy at first, but it's kind of funny too. And that's kind of why I like Cudi, cause he doesn't take himself too seriously. And you shouldn't either.
Kid Cudi - All Talk (Featuring LCD Soundsystem, Chip Tha Ripper & Christian Bale)
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Alternatively, if you have any suggestions, recommendations, or would like to see your band up in the most definitely, shoot us an email and we'll take a listen.