Some things come full circle. I like when they do. It means, it was right the first time. That's why 1986 was the best year. Nothing really actaully happened that year. Lionel Ritchie was dancing on the ceiling, The Policy Academy franchise was huge, and disposable disco synth pop ran amok. Well, it's back. And this time, people aren't getting killed in Miami. Well, that might not be true. But South Florida is a much different place than it was in 1986. Anyways, Miami Horror has got that sound. And I happen to think it's just great. Is it cheesy? Yep. Is it completely irrelevant?Absolutely. Does it make you want to shake your ass? Most definitely. Enjoy.
Holidays by Miami Horror (Official)
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Travis Barker - Hard Liquor (Feat. Tech N9ne)
TrafisBarker-Hard Liquor (Feat Tech N9ne) by MrJDK
Remember Travis Barker? From Blink 182? The guy who you always wondered why he was in Blink 182 cause he was actually a good musician? Now, I must admit, I was in high school once and liked blink. I mean, how could you not? So damn catchy. Shit I'll still listen to some blink as long as no one else is around. But that's besides the point. Travis Barker is an insanely talented drummer and beat maker. So it would make sense that he delve into hip hop and produce a banger like this. It's a little slow to get going, but once the drums and guitar hit, it's just pure goodness. Give it a listen.
Side note: I'd like to see a tattoo competition between Lil Wayne and Travis Barker. Who do you think wins?
Second side note: If this beat sounded a bit familiar, it's because it was produced by none other than Dr. Dre. Now it makes sense huh?
hip hop,
tech n9ne,
travis barker
Big Boi vs The Black Keys - The Brothers of Chico Dusty
The Brothers of Chico Dusty (Big Boi vs. The Black Keys) by wick-it
The Black Keys had an album come out this year. So did Big Boi. Both of them were exceptional. Next logical step. Mash them up. The Black Keys got that soul. And Big Boi, well, Big Boi just about got it all. Tracks to look out for in particular, tracks 3, 5 and 7. Track 5 being a mashup of the each of their respective strongest tracks off of their albums. I don't want to come off as a mashup guy, but 2010 might have to go down as the year of the mashup. A combination of technology and a blending of genres has made just about everything accessible. I think in the end, we'll be the better for it. Rock on.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Terje Haakonsen - Full Part
Terje is a living legend. Nobody throws a better method. And nobody goes bigger. Except for maybe Travis Rice. And he has got more steez than anyone else out there. And he's been holding it down forever. Everything he does is butter. But anyways, here he schools us on how to noboard and snowboard. Truly surfing on snow. I can't embed the video so you'll have to follow this link. But trust me, its pretty sweet.
Terje - Full Part
terje haakonsen
Nathan Kensinger - Great Photographer
I stumbled across Nathan Kensinger's work while in the depths of the internet. He's got some amazing shots of long forgotten spots in the 5 borough area. His photo essays are most definitely worth checking out. He has been exploring the abandoned and industrial edges of New York for 7 years now and he's got an impressive body of work to show for it. Check it out:
Nathan Kensinger Photography
nathan kensinger,
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Gnar Out West
So a couple of foot soldiers from TMD headed out west on a mission. They blindly booked flights for Park City. They were rewarded handsomely. 3 foot powder days and I won't be surprised if they never come back. I sit here and write while they are out there ripping it up. Hoping they send some more photos my way, but for now. Check these guys.
PS We will be back up and running full time after the holidays. Sorry for partying.
park city,
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Kura - Gogo
This popped up in my inbox a couple of days ago. It's not really like anything I've ever heard. It's intriguing. Kura is a couple of cousins named Fanney and Brynjar from Iceland who have just released their first EP and are just out to make beautiful music. I think they've found something majestic. There is a haunting quality to it. Fanney's voice is beautiful. Anyways, give them a listen. Check out their soundcloud page too. I mean, after watching this video, how can you not love these two?
Friday, December 10, 2010
Chain Gang of 1974 - Hold On (Double Edged Post)
WINTER 2010 PARK EDIT from stuckinohio on Vimeo.
This is a first here at the most definitely. A post that serves two purposes. We're gonna call it a D.E.P. Double Edged Post. First edge: Chain Gang of 1974. This guy is from Denver, CO and is tearing it up. His background is varied but I'm pretty sure he gets his influences from Persian music, INXS, Tears for Fears, and 3oh!3. The end result is a cross between all of it and it's quite good.
The second edge of the post, is well, to spread the stoke. Which needs no further explanation.
chain gang of 1974,
new music,
Thursday, December 9, 2010
TGR Hits Up Jackson Hole Opening Day
Time to get your stoke on folks. It's been dumping everywhere from Colorado to Vermont. Godspeed.
teton gravity research
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Daft Punk Video Premiere - Derezzed
I swear I write about other robots than Daft Punk. But one day we won't be talking about Daft Punk. And that will be a sad day. The album is out. Tron comes out in 9 days. I cannot wait.
I've had a full couple of days to digest this album and am only now prepared to share my thoughts. I have to come this conclusion: It's really quite a masterpiece. It took me a while to come to grips with the fact that it was not going to be an album about other worldly synths and laser beams; but rather Daft Punk having their way with a 100 piece orchestra. And having a blast with it. They traded the synths for strings, horns and timpani drums and the result is a soundtrack that makes the most menial task seem like the most important mission you've ever accepted. Getting on the subway while listening to tron could quite possibly be the most intense experience you will ever have. Anything with tron = epic. Try crossing the street listening to 'Rinzler'. I dare you.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Daft Punk - Solar Sailor
For those of you who couldn't access the entire album last week. I give you a taste of what we are talking about here. This is not your typical Daft Punk. It actually is a soundtrack to a major motion picture. And for better or worse, must be listened to accordingly.
Daft Punk - Solar Sailor
daft punk,
new music,
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Big Boi - Shudderbug (Mochipet Remix)
This was one of the first tracks we posted on tmd. But now we've got a fresh take on it from none other than Mochipet. That's what I like to call "full circle". This puts an electro spin on an already spotless track. Well done. Big Boi never sounded so good.
Big Boi - Shutterbugg (Mochipet Remix) by Mochipet
The Hood Internet - Two Weeks of Hip Hop (Dead Prez vs. Grizzly Bear)
A nice little mashup here from The Hood Internet. Not much to say but nod your head.
Right Click to download
The Hood Internet - Two Weeks of Hip Hop (Dead Prez vs. Grizzly Bear)
grizzly bear,
hip hop,
the hood internet
Daft Punk & N.E.R.D. - Hypnotize U (Nero Remix)
It has begun. The Godfathers are emerging from their underground lair. And with them, they are bringing some dope synths. Here were get an unlikely collaboration between Pharrell and the boys at N.E.R.D. Daft Punk and Nero. The end result: Nothing short of awesome. Textbook robot rock with some dubstep and Pharrell's squeaky falsetto mesh for a borderline facemelt. Enjoy.
Follow the link to check it out:
N.E.R.D. & Daft Punk - Hypnotize U (Nero Remix))
Deeper Premiere - Review
So we were fortunate enough to get some tickets to Jeremy Jones' latest film 'Deeper' premiere last night. And just when I thought the standard was set by the guys over at Brain Farm Cinema with 'That's It, That's All' 2 years ago, along came Jeremy Jones and TGR. In a world where most snowboard films are pretty much just glorified music videos with powder shots and kickers, Mr. Jones went all out to make a film not just about the ride, but the ascent to get there. Using minimal helis and no sleds, Jones and his crew hike 80 degree faces and camp out on some of the gnarliest mountains ever ridden. They hike every line they take which makes them that much sweeter. It was not just a snowboard film, but a mountaineering film too; exploring mountain ranges untouched by humankind. Epic is the word of the day.
Travis Rice makes an appearance and quite possibly could have stolen the show. Ryland Bell is the future of big mountain snowboarding. Jeremy is as on point as ever. Please do yourself a favor and check it out. You won't look at snowboarding the same afterwards. Much respect & props to Jeremy and the foks at TGR. Well played. Consider the bar raised.
jeremy jones,
ryland bell,
teton gravity research,
travis rice
The Editors - An End Has A Start (Jacknife Lee Remix)
I heard this at the Burton Store in Soho last night. Something about it struck me. I like it but I'm not really sure why. It reminds me of something and I can't place it. Anyways, The Editors are a brooding indie band hailing from Stafford England. They're dark and remind me of a British version of Interpol. This is not their typical sound, but the remix is effective. Check it out. And Jacknife Lee is the best name I've heard in a while.
the editors
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Daft Punk - Tron - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (Leaked!)
Daft Muthafuckin Punk. I have not even had a chance to listen to it. That's is how important this is. I just needed to get it out there as soon as possible. Let's call that ASAP. I don' thave to stress to you the importance of this album. You get it. We've all been waiting for it. Check it out. And make sure to check it out in 3D when it comes out. I'm like a kid trying to fall asleep on Christmas Eve. Santa's coming!
Download it here:
Daft Punk - Tron (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Link is no longer working. Just like Girltalk, the internet has shut down to excessive downloading. We're working on it.
Download it here:
Daft Punk - Tron (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Link is no longer working. Just like Girltalk, the internet has shut down to excessive downloading. We're working on it.
daft punk,
new music,
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Commotion - The Movie
Commotion- The Movie from Commotion on Vimeo.
For those about to shred. We salute you.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Mumford & Sons - Little Lion Man
I know this isn't new. And that's not OK. And we certainly are not known for our bluegrass prowess. But this cannot be denied. These guys are just flat out talented musucians. There are certain bands that come along and make you stop and think. These young men from England do just that. Haunting and on point, they stop time with their epic arrangement. My compliments to the band. Thanks to Tony Cofeecakes for the look on this.
mumford and sons,
new music,
old music
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The Naked & Famous - Young Blood
Not incredibly new, but just released in the US. Certainly worthy of a post. These guys are out of New Zealand and are blowing up over there and will be here in no time. They've got that Passion Pit sound. I like it. My friend Jose Fuego put it best: If Passion Pit and MGMT had a baby in New Zealand, it would be The Naked & Famous. They are playing this weekend in NYC. Good video too. Enjoy.
new music,
the naked and famous,
Monday, November 15, 2010
Girl Talk - All Day - New Album!
It's free. It's easy. One of the more anticipated albums of the year. Girl Talk is one of those artists that comes along once in a blue moon. You can't imagine what life was like without him. And you can't get enough of it. And all you want to do is just scream from the rooftops. The world needs more people like Gregg Gillis. A former chemical engineer, decided that lap top dance parties were the way to go. Thank god he did.
Girl Talk - Oh No
Download the entire album here:
Girl Talk - All Day
Awesome Helmet Cam Footage From Alaska
AK Valdez 2010 Helmet Cam from Seth Wescott on Vimeo.
I need to go to Alaska. I'm not one for helmet cams. But this is pretty epic.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
That Looks Like Fun
You can cop Deeper on itunes. Be sure to watch a DVD, then watch this DVD.
jeremy jones,
travis rice
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Brenton Duvall - Mean Planes & Taylor Gangs (Wiz Khalifa & Taylor Swift)
Wait. What? Is that Taylor Swift? Yep. Is that Wiz Khalifa? Yep. Is it a mashup? Yeah, but it's still pretty solid. Brenton Duvall brings the high heat with this mashup. Worthy of a post and you won't tell your friends you like it. But you and I both know you do. This post marks the double debut of Miss Swift and Wiz Khalifa too. Dope synth, Wiz has got flow, and Taylor? Well, Taylor's just an angel.
Brenton Duvall - Mean Planes & Taylor Gangs (Wiz Khalifa & Taylor Swift)
hip hop,
new music,
taylor swift,
wiz khalifa
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Video: Duck Sauce - Barbra Streisand
This is the best music video I have seen since Rad Anthem. And Rad Anthem is the best music video I have ever seen. So there's that. Duck Sauce is a collaboration between Armand Van Helden & A-Trak. The song is simple and catchy. This video is just fantastic.
PS - If this doesn't make you want to party in New York, nothing will.
PS - If this doesn't make you want to party in New York, nothing will.
duck sauce,
new music,
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The Wombats - Tokyo (Vampires & Wolves)
The Wombats have been around for a while. They're from Liverpool. They blew up a couple of years ago with their single: "Moving to New York". It was an insanely catchy post punk indie pop tune that could take weeks to get out of your head. Well, their latest track seems to be cut from the same cloth. Insanely catchy, almost a little too formulaic, but delicious nonetheless. All in all worthy of a listen. And apparently they've left New York behind for Tokyo since we last checked in with them. What are they army brats?
The Wombats - Tokyo (Vampires & Wolves)
The Wombats - Tokyo (Vampires and Wolves)
new music,
the wombats
Monday, November 1, 2010
Bear Hands - Crime Pays
These guys are out of Brooklyn. I love their sound. It's a mix of funk, lo-fi rock and electro. If Prince and Trouble Andrew had a beautiful baby, Bear Hands would be her name. Well these gents just happen to have an album coming out tomorrow. I'll be checking it out. You should too. Everybody knows that crime pays, and everybody loves it. Amen.
Bear Hands - Crime Pays
bear hands,
new music,
Labryrinth Ear - Navy Light
And the winner for weirdest band name to grace the most definitely goes to: Labyrinth Ear.
Labyrinth Ear - Navy Light
labyrinth ear,
new music
Matt & Kim - Good For Great
Matt & Kim have a new album coming out tomorrow. We heard the insanely catchy "Cameras" a few weeks back and now they release this joint. From the jump this had my attention, literally from the first note. Another direction for the Brooklyn duo that is setting the table to follow up "Grand" with an even more impressive junior album "Sidewalks".
Matt and Kim - Good For Great - by the Pop Sucker
matt and kim,
new music
New Video - Local Natives - Who Knows, Who Cares
Old song. New video. Great video.
Who Knows Who Cares by Local Natives from Infectious Music on Vimeo.
Who Knows Who Cares by Local Natives from Infectious Music on Vimeo.
local natives,
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Downtown From Behind
New York loves them some bicycles. And fashion. And downtown is cool. So is going green. And art. So, it makes sense that a photo blog would chronicle the streets of downtown New York through the lens and highlight bikers' behinds, while promoting a greener form of transportation. Regardless of the motives, the photographs speak for themselves. An interesting concept by photographer Bridget Felmming. I like it. Check out her site here
lower east side,
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Winter's Here!
It's finally here! Jackson Hole got 33 inches over 48 hours! A-Basin got 18 inches too. Time to get your gear right. I'm giddy.
D-Pad Session from Nike 6.0 on Vimeo.
D-Pad Session from Nike 6.0 on Vimeo.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Kid Cudi - Pursuit of Happiness (DJ Steve Aoki Remix)
This is a big day here at TMD. We are in expansion mode just trying to keep up with demand. Please join me in welcoming our newest staff writer. Half man / half robot. A man who needs no introduction. A man simply known as Saul Goode, Esq.. SGE's a pretty shy guy so I won't go too much further than that. Without further adieu I present you Saul Goode's first post:
If there was such a thing as a TMD glossary, it would read "Bonkers: see Kid Cudi - Pursuit of Happiness DJ Steve Aoki Remix" and our attorneys would require the following disclaimer: "Do not listen if you are pregnant, expect to become pregnant or in the shower. TMD is not responsible for damaged stereo equipment or sofa upholstery. Consult a doctor if erection lasts more than 4 hours." - Saul Goode, Eqs "SGE"
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Metric - Help I'm Alive (Krusha Remix)
Totally caught off guard. That's what I was. In the first minute of the song, it''s basically 3 songs mashed up. And you wonder who this Krusha character is. Well, Krusha is from Vancouver. And he drops some serious weight here with a mix of drum n bass and electro and a dash of lo-fi rock. It's an interesting sound. I can catch a hint of M83 in there too. Then you've got the lo-fi guitar breakdown at the 4:00 mark. This is all over the place, yet somehow seamless throughout. I like what he's got going on here. Metric, who is also new to tmd is out of Toronto and currently based in New York. It's a nice little Canadian Connection for your Thursday afternoon. "I tremble". I'll most definitely be riding to this come this winter.
Metric - Help I'm Alive (Krusha Remix)
Phoenix Played MSG (And So Did Daft Punk)
Three years. That’s how long it’s been since Daft Punk has performed live. Until last night, when they came out with Phoenix at MSG. Face Melt. I cannot even begin to type. So I’ll just leave it at that. God Bless America er, France.
Freelance Whales - Enzymes
These guys are growing more and more on me. I really like the sound I'm hearing out of them lately. This new track for what appears to be Mountain Dew's record label (what?) is great. Simple and clean with solid drums and a good simple synth line.Take a listen. Stay a while.
PS - What's with corporate brands having record labels now? Converse has a label, Mountain Dew has one. Vans is opening an art gallery in Brooklyn. Talk about cross marketing. Where does it end? Discuss.
Freelance Whales - Enzymes
freelance whales,
new music,
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Ratatat - Shiller
So in an extremely untimely post, I am here to tell you that Ratatat played Terminal 5 two Friday's ago. The show was epic, in a face-melting type fashion. It was the day after Miike Snow, which was, well, also epic, but in a dance party kind of fashion. Anyways, this tune isn't particularly new. It's very slow to start, much like an LCD Soundsystem joint. But the payoff is complete satisfaction upon arriving at the apex at the 2:24 mark. They wail on the dueling guitars. It's so simple yet so wonderful. No percussion, just guitars. Enjoy.
Ratatat - Shiller
Ratatat - Shiller
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Miike Snow Played Terminal 5 Last Night
As the trance played over the house speakers and the crowd waited for what seemed like an eternity for Miike Snow to take the stage I wondered what we were in store for. Never had I seen or heard such a build up for such a relatively new band, and I must admit I was a bit apprehensive about how long they delayed their emergence onto the stage. The people in the crowd were getting restless. They wanted Miike Snow on the stage right then, but they waited. And then, the blue lights hit the fog and the keys started. The overly dramatic drumming to start off the show set the tone for what was to be an epic evening, totally exceeded my expectations.
They took a page from Daft Punk’s book and came out in masks. Which, at first I thought was lame, but as they continued to melt my face, it became more and more clear that these guys were not going to let up. They never faltered, they delivered a total dance party with a heavy dose of drums and synths. At some points I swear I could feel them channeling the Talking Heads. I was just waiting from them to cover Burning Down The House. But, they never did. But, all that aside, I was completely taken aback by how on point they were.
They took liberties with each song, giving each one a new twist from their studio versions. Seamlessly linking together their tracks like a good DJ would. They played their remix of Vampire Weekend's "The Kids Don't Stand a Chance". The encore rendition of "Animal" is still giving me the chills. The LED vests they wore during the encore were a nice touch. Letting us know that in fact, there were 4 guys on stage the entire show. The lights were sick, a hue of blue with some Nantucket red thrown in with a lot of smoke and fog. The entire crowd moved in unison. I really can't say enough because I am still trying to process what actually happened. Just above and beyond the call of duty. Well played Mr. Snow, well played.
miike snow,
new music,
terminal 5
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Phoenix - Love Like a Sunset Part III
So Phoenix is coming to New York again this fall. I am looking forward to it. They played Rumsey Playfield in what could have been the show of the year last year. This year, they are coming back and taking on MSG. That's a bit of a larger venue. I'll be interested to see how that show plays out. But I'm sure they will blow it out like they always do. So you should buy tickets, I'm pretty sure they're still available. Show is October 20, 2010.
I wish these guys the best of luck. Not that they need it; they're already playing MSG...
PS: This is kind of a weird version. But it's new, and relevant. So, there's that.
Phoenix - Love Like a Sunset Part III
Jay Z & Notorious B.I.G. - Allure (Ratatat Remix)
When Biggie comes in, it gives me the chills. With all due respect to Jay Z, I don't think he holds a candle to Biggie. You just feel Biggie take over when its his mic. And yes i realize this was made after Biggie's passing, but it doesn't matter. I can only imagine where we'd be if he didn't get gunned down in LA on that fateful night. Kick it.
Jay Z & Notorious B.I.G. - Allure (Ratatat Remix)
Jay Z & Notorious B.I.G. - Allure (Ratatat Remix)
Florence & The Machine - Dog Days Are Over (Yeasayer Remix)

We've got a couple of wonderful things going on here. We've got Florence & The Machine and her beautiful haunting voice. We've got Yeasayer with their tripped out synths and keys. Then we've got Gilbert Forte rapping about extra large wayfarers. I don't see where it could go wrong. And that's just it. It doesn't.
One thing I am shocked about is that this is the first time Yeasayer has made a post on the site. Something is seriously wrong with that. And I can only blame myself.
Florence & The Machine - Dog Days Are Over (Yesayer Remix)Feat. Gilbert Forte
florence and the machine,
gilbert forte,
new music,
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Two Door Cinema Club - Costume Party

These guys just crank out the jams. I might as well just post the whole album at once. But that would be too easy. That's all I got. Just listen and smile.
Two Door Cinema Club - Costume Party
two door cinema club
Freelance Whales - Hannah (Bonus Post)

Freelance Whales have made an appearance here before. But it's been a while. I like this song. It's interesting to listen to. They've got that whoke fast talk/jam as many words into a verse as possible thing going on, yet somehow, it manages to sound pretty good. That's a first. I also respect the Now N Later reference. They definitely have a little Postal Service sound to them, but still good nonetheless. Nice and chipper for your Thursday evening. Enjoy.
Freelance Whales - Hannah
Freelance Whales - Great Estates
A completely different tune. But equally as satisfying. Strangely powerful and haunting. I love the banjo in there. I love the organs, they provide some epicity. I know that's not a real word, but it should be. It's an epic song that should not be taken lightly. It's not new, but it's good, and i wanted to post it. So, there's that.
freelance whales,
new music,
old music
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
These Guys Are Funny - Harvard Sailing Team

It's a full moon, and I'm feeling saucy. So today I present you with a most definitely first. We have posted music, film, modern art and photography. But never have we presented you with sketch comedy. Well, that all changes today. The dawn of a new era in the most definitely empire.
So, Harvard Sailing Team is a sketch comedy group that is on the up and up. The group was founded by Chris Smith and Billy Scafuri, both Rockville Center natives. (also known as Roughneck Center). And they're pretty funny. And in a shocking twist of irony none of them went to Harvard or know how to sail. Wild.
Check out all of their videos here
harvard sailing team
Monday, September 20, 2010
Explosions in The Sky - Your Hand in Mine

OK. This is not a cry for help. This is just a beautiful song. There's no two ways about it. It's a totally different direction than we're accustomed to here at the most definitely, but sometimes, a song can transcend classification and genre. It's just sweet angelic musings of some guys from Texas. It is a song that makes you reflect on things. A song best listened to while riding a bus across the US in the middle of nowhere. That's what I'm conjuring up at least. I may have a skewed view since it did make its way onto Friday Night Lights. Which, by the way, will make you cry every episode. Even if you are a grown ass man. Just listen.
Explosions in The Sky - Your Hand in Mine
explosions in the sky,
old music,
Two Door Cinema Club - Something Good Can Work (The Twelves Remix)

Another stellar rendition from Two Door Cinema Club. Who knew the little guys from the Motherland would be so readily remixable? I really dig the bass line here. The Twelves are legit too. Hailing from Rio de Janeiro, they know how to get down. They seem to be popping up more and more these days and I'm OK with that. Just a very tasteful and well done remix. Check it out, won't you?
Two Door Cinema Club - Something Good Can Work (The Twelves Remix)
new music,
the twelves,
two door cinema club
Friday, September 17, 2010
More Great American Artwork - Brandon Bird

This is titled: No One Wants to Play Sega With Harrison Ford. Timeless.
Check out more of Brandon's work here
brandon bird,
harrison ford
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
David Bowie - Rebel Rebel (Soulwax Club Mix)

It's a few years aold. But I stumbled upon this going through the archives and thought that this was completely worth posting. Amazing job by the boys over at Soulwax. They can get things going. I was at a warm up party at PS1 a while back and Rub N Tug dropped Adam Freedland's remix of The Doors' "Hello". Face Melt. Anyways, this track reminds me of that time. Rebel Rebel is one of my favorite Bowie tunes and they absolutely add to the track. Enjoy a little throwback. Listen through.
David Bowie - Rebel Rebel (Soulwax Club Mix)
david bowie,
old music,
Vampire Weekend - The Kids Don't Stand a Chance(Chromeo Remix)

Very intriguing. All over the place yet all tied together at the same time. It's just downright pleasant to listen to. I don't think its new, but it's good. Never heard anything like it?
Vampire Weekend - The Kids Don't Stand a Chance(Chromeo Remix)
vampire weekend
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
This Looks Good - Deeper
Deeper Trailer from O'Neill on Vimeo.
Look for it this winter. Jeremy Jones is the man. Two years of filming. I think this will be up there with "That's It, That's All". I'm anxiously awaiting this release.
jeremy jones,
Friday, September 10, 2010
Mitchell Funk - Awesome Photographer

This guy is amazing. Mitchell Funk. He has some really interesting shots from the 70's that look like they've been photo shopped except there was no photoshop in the 70's which give him street cred in my book. Check it out:
Mitchell Funk Photography
Thursday, September 9, 2010
See This Film - Cancer to Capricorn: The Path of a Modern Gypsy
I said it before, but you probably still haven't seen it. So here's the first 10 minutes to give you a taste. Do yourself a favor and check out this flick. The soundtrack is awesome. The Miike Snow part is just plain fun.
You can download the entire film for free here thanks to surfline.
You can download the entire film for free here thanks to surfline.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The Ting Tings - Hands (Retrograde Remix)

The Ting Tings are great. Solid melodies and harmonies packed into a simple clean catchy song. Whether or not you choose to listen is up to you. But the formula works. Jules De Marino is cute and quirky and it all just works. This remix beefs up their normally clean sound and gives them so more layers, and that synth and those drums take me back to a place. It's cheap and fun.
The Ting Tings - Hands (Retrograde Remix)
new music,
the ting tings
Aeroplane - Superstar (The Krays Remix)

Aeroplane has been creeping up on my radar for a while now. They provide a unique view from above. And this remix from The Krays sharpens that view just a bit more. The Krays is a collaboration between french DJ superstars Yuksek and Brodinski. Yuksek has made appearances on the most definitely. Brodinski, however, has not. This tune is solid. It's got some legs and it takes its time getting to where it needs to be. When those keys come in at the 1:32 mark, it all makes sense. Get into it.
Aeroplane - Superstar (The Krays Remix)
Here's a little history lesson for you: The Krays were the foremost perpetrators of organized crime in London's East End during the 1950s and 1960s. Ronald, commonly referred to as Ron or Ronnie, suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. The Krays were involved in armed robberies, arson, protection rackets, violent assaults including torture and the murders of Jack "The Hat" McVitie and George Cornell. As West End nightclub owners, they mixed with prominent entertainers including Diana Dors, Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland and politicians. The Krays were highly feared within their social environment, and in the 1960s they became celebrities in their own right being photographed by David Bailey and interviewed on television.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Matt & Kim - Cameras

Matt & Kim are so wonderfully simple. And that's what makes them so enjoyable. The intro sounds like some Kid Cudi type shit to start. But then Matt comes in with his tight jeans and tells us otherwise. And it's solid. Catchy and repetitive yes, but it works. I like the horns and they seem to have more of a complex sound on this track than their previous album. Now thats not saying much since the last album was drums and a keyboard. And it worked. But this could work too. Enjoy.
Matt & Kim - Cameras
matt and kim,
new music,
Delorean - Real Love (LightsoverLA Remix) Happy Hurricane! & Welcome Back

Hey, sorry I'm late. This is the second hiatus the most definitely has gone on in this very young little life she's had. But, this has been an interesting time and to that end, good music comes out of interesting times. So it's sort of necessary I guess.
Anyways, here we are. Delorean was one of the first bands to make the most definitely. And here they are again with a fresh remix from LightsOverLA. It's smooth. It's dreamy. It's almost hypnotic. It's got some dubstep to it. It's just all around good. And simple. None of these sentences are complete. Except for that one. The song is complete though. Check it out and watch the hurricane with a dark n stormy.
Delorean - Real Love (LightsoverLA Remix)
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