Freelance Whales have made an appearance here before. But it's been a while. I like this song. It's interesting to listen to. They've got that whoke fast talk/jam as many words into a verse as possible thing going on, yet somehow, it manages to sound pretty good. That's a first. I also respect the Now N Later reference. They definitely have a little Postal Service sound to them, but still good nonetheless. Nice and chipper for your Thursday evening. Enjoy.
Freelance Whales - Hannah
Freelance Whales - Great Estates
A completely different tune. But equally as satisfying. Strangely powerful and haunting. I love the banjo in there. I love the organs, they provide some epicity. I know that's not a real word, but it should be. It's an epic song that should not be taken lightly. It's not new, but it's good, and i wanted to post it. So, there's that.
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