1. Start A War 2. Anyone's Ghost 3. Bloodbuzz Ohio 4. Mistaken For Strangers 5. Brainy 6. Squalor Victoria 7. Afraid Of Everyone 8. Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks 9. Lemonworld 10. Conversation 16 11. Apartment Story 12. Abel 13. England 14. Fake Empire Encore: 15. Runaway 16. Mr. November 17. Terrible Love
You can't make the music come to you. Sometimes, you have to wait it out, and hope for the best. You hope that there's someone out there that gets it. You hope and you wait. You wait for a guy like R/D to come around and blow the lid of the joint. Unknown to me, and probably you, this guy is dark. Listen, it's not all gumdrops and candy canes here at the most definitely. It's time for the big boy pants. Face of God really may be the most fitting title for this track too. It's that haunting and epic. It's one of those tracks that you know it's going to be good before anything actually happens. Just the humming intro, and you're already hooked. That's how you do it.
I'd be willing to put a lot of money on this being featured in at least 3 snowboarding films coming up this season. Just wait, and if it's not, I'm getting into production to fix that. Turn it up. It's dark.
Epic. That's what the Killers' Hot Fuss album was. It's been a while since that album came out and the Killers have sort of slipped off into obscurity. Their last two albums could not hold a candle to Hot Fuss, and it's sad to see that happen. Brandon Flowers has a new solo project which could be promising. But that remains to be seen. What we do know is that 'Smile Like You Mean It' was an awesome song. And this remix by Madeon does more than it's fair share of beefing it up for today's sound. Madeon is from France and he's turning the electro game on it's head. I'm most definitely listening.
The Killers - Smile Like You Mean It (Madeon Remix)
This could very well be my favorite version of any Crystal Castles song to date. Sometimes, Crystal Castles sound like your Nintendo is jammed and you need to take out the cartridge to blow on it with your tee shirt to fix it. Anyone else know that move? Anyway, that's not the point. The point is, this song is dope. I'm thoroughly enjoying it as we speak. Solid driving beat while paying homage to 1987, be sure to notice the drum sample from New Order's Blue Monday too. It's uncanny.
Cudi's blowin up. Has been for a while, but dude just keeps pickin up speed. I guess it doesn't hurt when everyone and their brother wants to remix every word you say. Regardless, this is pretty dope too. Catch the Vampire Weekend sample in there too. I'm not sure when this song is appropriate to play, but I'm thinking when you just need to turn the speakers to 11 will do just fine.
These guys are from Paris. So it's not just an ironic name for a song. They're pretty interesting cats. They play the strings first and foremost, and they also happen to know how to lay down killer synths and danceable beats. But just when you think this is another run of the mill electro song. It goes ahead does something like this. You'll know what I mean when you hit the 2:25 mark it takes it to a whole nother level.
Something A La Mode - Paris Makes Me Feel Like Dancing
3 chicks from Williamsburg. So hip it makes my pants tight. Not in the dirty way. The guitar riff reminds me of some 80's Blondie type stuff, but I can't seem to place it. Regardless, it's simple and good.
Sia's from Australia. That automatically makes her cooler than you and me. She has an accent, she's adorable, and she makes cool music. Isn't that awesome?! What a world we live in. She reminds me of a cross between Nelly Furtado and Santogold. This bubbly little number is just fun. And it's remixed by CSS, the girl that brought you "Music is My Hot Hot Sex". So, it's gonna be fun.
Anyways, I can't find an mp3 so I'm putting up the youtube for now. Just deal with it.
I'm not sure where to begin here. I've never quite heard anything like this before. Electro-Reggae? That's what it is I guess. If Toots & Daft Punk had a baby, it would be Aeroplane. With some soul sisters in the background. Whatever you want to call it, it's good. It's good for right now. Beach parties, boat parties, slip n slide parties. Anything that involves bathing suits and bikinis. I'm into it.
We're gonna slow it down here for a moment here at the most definitely. Enter MNDR. She's been up here before. In a much different sounding way. Something about this track gets me. It's kind of haunting in a beautiful way. Most definitely not one that you play while the party is kicking. Maybe when you're trying to put yourself to sleep. But hey, we can't party all the time right? Right guys?
These guys are out of San Diego and they've got that lo-fi indie sound that every new band seems to have these days. A combination of post punk, melodic, driving beats makes these guys an interesting listen.
So these guys are straight out of Manchester reviving my favorite time on this planet. The beloved mid 1980's. If you know us over here, you know that the best year on the planet was 1987. Fact. I'm not here to talk history with you though, you do that on your own time, not mine. Anyways, here we are, in 2010, and music production has come full circle I guess you could say. New producers are trying to re-create that horrible 1980's synth heavy sound, and you know what? It's working.
These tracks aren't exactly going to get the party started, but every journey begins with one step.
Hands down the best music video I have ever seen. No questions asked. There's life before the Rad Anthem, and there's life after. Just watch. Thank me later. Also, it's a pretty solid song.
We rarely post hip hop here at the most definitely. Only the finest will do. Well, I present to you Wale, straight outta DC. And he's got good flow andI think this qualifies. The bass line, the flow, the distorted guitar in the background, makes a man think twice about being so nice. It's that kind of track that makes you want to bob and weave on the highway. "It's been a long summer, and I'm on my grind."
A friend of mine introduced me to these guys last winter. And I feel like I've watched them absolutely explode onto the scene. I saw them at the Delancey back at the CMJ Festival and they had audio problems in what is already a terrible venue for shows. It was pretty tough for them to power through the adversity, but I got the essence of them. Then I saw them at Bowery Ballroom and was blown away by how good they were. Then, they started popping up on all the blogs when they signed to a major label. Now they are blowing up and its nice to see.
Anyways, they are an absolutely solid band. And this little remix captures them in their glory and adds some synths. So you know I'm going to love it. Just a marvelously stunning song that captures my state of mind these days. I can't really say enough good things about this track. It's just delicious in all the ways music is supposed to be. I feel like I'm floating. Anyways, check it out. And check out their whole album when you have a chance. Good rock and roll.
These guys started popping up a few years back in snowboarding videos, which is when they first caught my attention. They are dark, dreary, and very chopped up. If your Nintendo games from the 80's made dance music, this is what it would sound like. But even though it's dark and weird, it's still good. Give it play through, gets better towards the end too. But definitely soundtrack music.
I heard these guys a couple of years back and they blew my mind with their rendition of a song called Fun Punch. It sort of renewed my faith in what electronic music could be all about. This is a very different type of song, but it's still pretty good. If electronic music can be "romantic" this might be it. It's got that summer shine, and would probably be choice on a nice sunset on the beach.
So, I checked out this surf flick a couple of weeks ago. It's a solid film. Really, good surf footage and an even better soundtrack. And since we here at the most definitely like our 4 readers. We're going to hook you up with a free download of the movie. Definitely worth a look, even if you're not a big surfing fan. It's more of a travel film than a surf documentary. Just check it out. It's summer, and you ain't got shit to do. I'm trying to find the soundtrack listing. So, check back for an update.
Hi, I'm Sanford. Remember me? Your old friend from back in the day? Yeah, I been away for a while, and while I apologize, I'm not really that sorry about it. Shit happens, and people make moves. I been makin moves, moves that didn't involve a computer. But we back, and we're coming back stronger than ever. I've been in the water for a month. So I may be a bit water logged. And away we go:
Broken Bells. Solid, rock solid. This tune is a good tune to come back to. I'm proud to lead off my second act with this joint. Got that good lo-fi sound. And some surf guitar in the background. It's perfect for a beach party. So jump in, the water's delicious.
All audio posted on this site is meant for sampling purposes only. If you really like what you hear, show some love and support the artist - buy an album, buy a tee shirt. If you represent or own any media on this site and would like something taken down please email us at themostdefinitely@gmail.com and we will take the necessary action of removing the file(s).
Alternatively, if you have any suggestions, recommendations, or would like to see your band up in the most definitely, shoot us an email and we'll take a listen.