A friend of mine introduced me to these guys last winter. And I feel like I've watched them absolutely explode onto the scene. I saw them at the Delancey back at the CMJ Festival and they had audio problems in what is already a terrible venue for shows. It was pretty tough for them to power through the adversity, but I got the essence of them. Then I saw them at Bowery Ballroom and was blown away by how good they were. Then, they started popping up on all the blogs when they signed to a major label. Now they are blowing up and its nice to see.
Anyways, they are an absolutely solid band. And this little remix captures them in their glory and adds some synths. So you know I'm going to love it. Just a marvelously stunning song that captures my state of mind these days. I can't really say enough good things about this track. It's just delicious in all the ways music is supposed to be. I feel like I'm floating. Anyways, check it out. And check out their whole album when you have a chance. Good rock and roll.
Local Natives - Wide Eyes (Teen Daze Remix)
I dig your blog.