These guys just crank out the jams. I might as well just post the whole album at once. But that would be too easy. That's all I got. Just listen and smile.
Freelance Whales have made an appearance here before. But it's been a while. I like this song. It's interesting to listen to. They've got that whoke fast talk/jam as many words into a verse as possible thing going on, yet somehow, it manages to sound pretty good. That's a first. I also respect the Now N Later reference. They definitely have a little Postal Service sound to them, but still good nonetheless. Nice and chipper for your Thursday evening. Enjoy.
Freelance Whales - Hannah
Freelance Whales - Great Estates
A completely different tune. But equally as satisfying. Strangely powerful and haunting. I love the banjo in there. I love the organs, they provide some epicity. I know that's not a real word, but it should be. It's an epic song that should not be taken lightly. It's not new, but it's good, and i wanted to post it. So, there's that.
It's a full moon, and I'm feeling saucy. So today I present you with a most definitely first. We have posted music, film, modern art and photography. But never have we presented you with sketch comedy. Well, that all changes today. The dawn of a new era in the most definitely empire.
So, Harvard Sailing Team is a sketch comedy group that is on the up and up. The group was founded by Chris Smith and Billy Scafuri, both Rockville Center natives. (also known as Roughneck Center). And they're pretty funny. And in a shocking twist of irony none of them went to Harvard or know how to sail. Wild.
OK. This is not a cry for help. This is just a beautiful song. There's no two ways about it. It's a totally different direction than we're accustomed to here at the most definitely, but sometimes, a song can transcend classification and genre. It's just sweet angelic musings of some guys from Texas. It is a song that makes you reflect on things. A song best listened to while riding a bus across the US in the middle of nowhere. That's what I'm conjuring up at least. I may have a skewed view since it did make its way onto Friday Night Lights. Which, by the way, will make you cry every episode. Even if you are a grown ass man. Just listen.
Another stellar rendition from Two Door Cinema Club. Who knew the little guys from the Motherland would be so readily remixable? I really dig the bass line here. The Twelves are legit too. Hailing from Rio de Janeiro, they know how to get down. They seem to be popping up more and more these days and I'm OK with that. Just a very tasteful and well done remix. Check it out, won't you?
Two Door Cinema Club - Something Good Can Work (The Twelves Remix)
It's a few years aold. But I stumbled upon this going through the archives and thought that this was completely worth posting. Amazing job by the boys over at Soulwax. They can get things going. I was at a warm up party at PS1 a while back and Rub N Tug dropped Adam Freedland's remix of The Doors' "Hello". Face Melt. Anyways, this track reminds me of that time. Rebel Rebel is one of my favorite Bowie tunes and they absolutely add to the track. Enjoy a little throwback. Listen through.
Very intriguing. All over the place yet all tied together at the same time. It's just downright pleasant to listen to. I don't think its new, but it's good. Never heard anything like it?
Vampire Weekend - The Kids Don't Stand a Chance(Chromeo Remix)
Look for it this winter. Jeremy Jones is the man. Two years of filming. I think this will be up there with "That's It, That's All". I'm anxiously awaiting this release.
This guy is amazing. Mitchell Funk. He has some really interesting shots from the 70's that look like they've been photo shopped except there was no photoshop in the 70's which give him street cred in my book. Check it out:
I said it before, but you probably still haven't seen it. So here's the first 10 minutes to give you a taste. Do yourself a favor and check out this flick. The soundtrack is awesome. The Miike Snow part is just plain fun.
You can download the entire film for free here thanks to surfline.
The Ting Tings are great. Solid melodies and harmonies packed into a simple clean catchy song. Whether or not you choose to listen is up to you. But the formula works. Jules De Marino is cute and quirky and it all just works. This remix beefs up their normally clean sound and gives them so more layers, and that synth and those drums take me back to a place. It's cheap and fun.
Aeroplane has been creeping up on my radar for a while now. They provide a unique view from above. And this remix from The Krays sharpens that view just a bit more. The Krays is a collaboration between french DJ superstars Yuksek and Brodinski. Yuksek has made appearances on the most definitely. Brodinski, however, has not. This tune is solid. It's got some legs and it takes its time getting to where it needs to be. When those keys come in at the 1:32 mark, it all makes sense. Get into it.
Aeroplane - Superstar (The Krays Remix)
Here's a little history lesson for you: The Krays were the foremost perpetrators of organized crime in London's East End during the 1950s and 1960s. Ronald, commonly referred to as Ron or Ronnie, suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. The Krays were involved in armed robberies, arson, protection rackets, violent assaults including torture and the murders of Jack "The Hat" McVitie and George Cornell. As West End nightclub owners, they mixed with prominent entertainers including Diana Dors, Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland and politicians. The Krays were highly feared within their social environment, and in the 1960s they became celebrities in their own right being photographed by David Bailey and interviewed on television.
Matt & Kim are so wonderfully simple. And that's what makes them so enjoyable. The intro sounds like some Kid Cudi type shit to start. But then Matt comes in with his tight jeans and tells us otherwise. And it's solid. Catchy and repetitive yes, but it works. I like the horns and they seem to have more of a complex sound on this track than their previous album. Now thats not saying much since the last album was drums and a keyboard. And it worked. But this could work too. Enjoy.
Hey, sorry I'm late. This is the second hiatus the most definitely has gone on in this very young little life she's had. But, this has been an interesting time and to that end, good music comes out of interesting times. So it's sort of necessary I guess.
Anyways, here we are. Delorean was one of the first bands to make the most definitely. And here they are again with a fresh remix from LightsOverLA. It's smooth. It's dreamy. It's almost hypnotic. It's got some dubstep to it. It's just all around good. And simple. None of these sentences are complete. Except for that one. The song is complete though. Check it out and watch the hurricane with a dark n stormy.
All audio posted on this site is meant for sampling purposes only. If you really like what you hear, show some love and support the artist - buy an album, buy a tee shirt. If you represent or own any media on this site and would like something taken down please email us at and we will take the necessary action of removing the file(s).
Alternatively, if you have any suggestions, recommendations, or would like to see your band up in the most definitely, shoot us an email and we'll take a listen.