Friday, April 1, 2011

LCD Soundsystem Played Terminal 5

LCD Soundsystem played night 4 of their 5 night farewell tour last night at Terminal 5. A fitting farewell for the band who grossly underestimated their own popularity. Thank you Mr. James Murphy and the rest of gang for putting on a simply wonderful show. They came out of the gates hot and just kept bringing it for what must have been 3 hours. As soon as the first keys for Dance Yrself Clean hit, the place went bananas and the crowd sort of moved as one for the rest of the night. There were so many moments of pure unadulterated joy, wonder, and holy sh*t moments I cannot even begin to go into detail. I just know that they put on a show, and if you weren't there, you'll never really know. And if you were there, well, you're one of the lucky ones.

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